Complex Numbers MCQS With Solution | Solve Complex Numbers MCQS

51. The value of Log(−i) is: 

A. π/2 i 

B. 3π/2 i 

C. − π/2 i 

D. − 3π/2 i 

52. If x is any negative real number, then Logx is: 

A. ln x + iπ 


B. ln x − iπ 

C. ln(−x) + iπ 

D. ln(−x) − iπ 

53. log(e^z )= 

A. z 

B. z + 2nπ 

C. z + 2nπi 

D. e^z 

54. If z is a positive real number, then 

A. Log(z)=log(z) 

B. Log(z)=log(z)+ 2nπ 

C. log(z)=Log(z)+ 2nπ 

D. None of these 

55. sinh^−1 z= 

A. log(z + √ z^2 + 1) 

B. log(z − √ z^2 + 1) 

C. log(z + √ z^^2 − 1) 

D. log(z − √ z^2 − 1) 

56. cosh^−1 z= 

A. log(z + √ z^2 + 1) 

B. log(z − √ z^2 + 1) 

C. log(z + √ z^2 − 1) 

D. log(z − √ z^2 − 1) 

57. sin^−1 z= 

A.   ilog(iz + √ 1 + z^2 ) 

B. −i log(iz − √ 1 − z^2 ) 

C. −ilog(iz + √ 1 + z^2 ) 

D. −i log(iz + √ 1 − z^2 ) 

58. If z and w are complex numbers, then z^w= 

A. exp(z log w)  

B. z exp(log w) 

C. exp(w log z) 

D. w exp(log z) 

59. If z and w are complex numbers, then the principal value of z^w is: 

A. exp(zLogw) 

B. z exp(Logw) 

C. exp(wLogz) 

D. w exp(Logz) 

60. The principal value of i^i is: 

A. e^π/2 

B. −e^π/2 

C. e −^π/2 

D. −e −^π/2 

61. The principal value of (−1)^i is: 

A. e^π 

B. e^−π 

C. −e^π 

D. −e^−π 

62. The principal value of (−i)^−i is: 

A. e^π/2 

B. −e^π/2 

C. e^− π/2  

D. −e^− π/2 

63. If a is a positive real number, then the principal value of a i is: 

A. cos(ln a) + isin(ln a) 

B. cos(a) + isin(a) 

C. sin(a) + i cos(a) 

D. sin(ln a) + i cos(ln a) 

See also  9th Class Math Smart Syllabus Tests
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