Government of Pakistan Federal Education and Professional Training Division Jobs 2020

Government of Pakistan Federal Education and Professional Training Division
Vacancy Announcement for Pakistan Chair Abroad

Applications are invited to fill Allama Iqbal Fellowship Cambridge University United
Required qualification Experience
(1) Ph.D Degree from HEC recognized University / institution in disciplines such as
History, Political Science, Anthropology, Classical & Modern Ideology, Philosophy,
Development & International Economic, Geography or any other related subject with
special orientation to Pakistan or South Asian Islam.
At least five (05) years post Ph. D qualification experience in teaching and research
in a recognized University Centre Research Organization.
A healthy publication record with evidence of articles published in international
Other Requirements
Persons up to 60 years of age will be eligible
Excellent command on the language in which the subject is to be taught.
Preference will be given to knowing the language of the country of posting,
familiarity with the culture, institutions and people of the host country.
(iv) Capacity and competence to project the language, history and culture of Pakistan in
the host country

() Proficiency in computer skills and social skills.
(vi) An ability to co-examine Urdu at beginners and intermediate levels.
(vii) An ability to engage with visiting academics at seminars.
(vi) Willingness to meet and greet guests from Pakistan to Centre.
Terms and Conditions
( (0) The tenure of appointment will initially be for a period of three years which is subject
to evaluation on yearly basis and can be terminated at any time without giving
(i) The pay and allowance would be of BPS-20 on standard terms and conditions of
Government of Pakistan.
(i) Provisional details of other terms and condition are available at
Last date of submission of application
0 The applications on the prescribed format (available at
complete in all respect should reach the following address within 15 days from the
date of publication of this advertisement in the press. Applications received after due
date will not be considered.
(i) Those already in Government / Semi Government Service are required to apply
through proper channel.
() Only short listed candidates will be called for interview.
(iv) No TA/DA shall be admissible for written test/ interview.
(V) Ministry reserves the right not to fill the vacancy without assigning any reason


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