Computer DataBase Management System Mcqs | BS Computer MCQS

Computer DataBase Management system Mcqs | BS Computer MCQS

Mcqs of database management for BS Bsc and MCS

1. A database is an organized collection of __________ related data.

a. Logically 

b. Physically 

c. Loosely 

d. Badly

2. The objectives of database management systems include:

a. Database integrity 

b. Data integration 

c. Availability 

d. All

3. Data that causes inconsistency lacks:

a. Good data 

b. Data integrity 

c. Data redundancy 

d. Data anomaly

4. The major component of DBMS is called:

a. Database manager 

b. File manager 

c. Data manager 

d. All

5. Which of the following enables the user to modify data structures without affecting existing programs that use them?

a. Data dependence

 b. Data independence 

c. Data integration 

d. Data 


6. Which one of the following is an advantage of database management approach?

a. Program data independence b. Reduced security

c. Increased Duplication of data 

d. None

7. A set of related files created and managed by a DBMS is called:

a. Field 

b. Record 

c. Database 

d. None

8. Roll No of a student should be stored in a

a. Record 

b. Field 

c. Cell 

d. File

9. Which of the three schemas used in three-schema model is a complete logical view of database?

a. External 

b. Internal 

c. Implementation 

d. Conceptual

10. The older logical database model that organizes data in a tree like structure is

a. Hierarchical 

b. Network 

c. Relational 

d. Object

11. DBA stands for

a. Database Administrator 

b. Database Application 

c. Database Authority 

d. None

12. The advantage of partitioning is

a. Efficiency 

b. Extra space and update time 

c. Both A and B 

d. None

13. Basic data distribution strategies include:

a. Centralized

 b. Partitioned

 c. Replication 

d. All

14. Characteristics of an entity are called

a. Entity 

b. Attribute 

c. Identifier

 d. Relationship

15. Which of the following represent entities?

a. Teacher 

b. Student 

c. Doctor 

d. All

16. An identifier may be

a. Unique

b. Non-unique 

c. Composite 

d. All

17. A single-entity instance of one type related to a single-entity instance of another type?

a. One to one Relationship 

b. One to many Relationship

c. Many to many relationship 

d. None

18. A single-entity instance of one type related to many entity instances of another type?

a. One to one relationship 

b. One to many relationship

c. Many to many relationship 

d. None

19. Many entity instances of one type be related to many entity instances of another type?

a. One to one relationships 

b. One to many relationship

c. Many to many relationship 

d. None

20. Which of the following is a one to many relationship?

a. Student Reg_No 

b. Person_Automobilec. Mother_Sond. Both b and c

21. Which of the following is related to modality?

a. Optional 

b. Mandatory 

c. Unidirectional 

d. Both a and b

22. A relationship consists of three entities are called

a. Unary 

b. Binary 

c. Ternary 

d. None

23. ________ indicates the maximum number of entities that can be involved in a relationship?

a. Minimum cardinality 

b. Maximum cardinality 

c. Both a and b

 d. None

24. In an E-R Diagram, an ellipse represents an:

a. Entity class 

b. Weak entity

c. Relationship

d. Attribute

25. An attribute which consists of a group of attributes is called

a. Multi-valued attributes 

b. Composite attributes 

c. Composite identifiers 

d. Identifiers

26. _________ refers to relationships that are subtypes, when the identifiers of the entities are 


a. HAS-A relationships 

b. IS-A relationships 

c. Binary Relationships 

d. None

27. An entity type whose existence depends on another entity is called _________ entity.

a. Strong 

b. Weak 

c. Dependent 

d. Variant

28. An identifier of an entity instance:

a. May be unique 

b. Must be unique 

c. May consist of more than one attribute d. a and c

29. _______ refers to the degree of relationship.

a. Number of entities 

b. Maximum cardinality 

c. Minimum cardinality 

d. None

30. The type of attribute that is composed of other attributes?

a. Simple 

b. Meta 

c. Group 

d. Compound

31. Composite and compound objects together known as:

a. Hybrid objects

b. Association objects 

c. Subtype objects 

d. Archetype objects

32. Which of the following contains at least one object attribute?

a. Simple objects 

b. Composite objects 

c. Compound objects 

d. Hybrid objects

33. Which of the following are used to represent the specialization of objects?

a. Hybrid objects 

b. Association objects 

c. Subtype objects 

d. Archetype objects

34. Which of the following refers to an attribute whose maximum cardinality is 1?

a. Multi value attribute 

b. Non-object attribute 

c. Paired attribute 

d.Single value attribute

35. A group identifier

a. Has more than one attribute 

b. Identifies a group of instances

c. Identifies a group of attributes in an object 

d. Is the identifier for a group of

semantic objects

36. Foreign key is found in

a. Parent table 

b. Dependent table 

c. Pivot table 

d. Index table

37. Two dimensional table consists of a data is called

a. Group b. Set c. Declaration d. Relation

38. An index can be used to:

a. Improve the performance of the database

b. Document the structure of the database itself

c. Reduce data dependency for application programs

d. All

39. Which of the following are properties of relations?

a. Each attribute has a unique name 

b. No two rows are identical

c. No multivalued attributes 

d. All

40. How many primary keys can a table have?

a. One 

b. At-least one but not more than two 

c. No limit 

d. None of above

41. Choose the most appropriate primary key?

a. Student’s name 

b. Student’s address 

c. Student DOB 

d. Student’s Reg_No

42. A candidate key is

a. Primary key 

b. Primary key selected to be the key of a relation

c. An attribute or group of attributes that can be the primary key 

d. All

43. In 2NF, which dependency is removed?

a. Functional 

b. Partial 

c. Associative 

d. Transitive

44. In 3NF, which dependency is removed?

a. Functional 

b. Partial 

c. Associative 

d. Transitive

45. Each foreign key value must match a primary key value in the other relation is called:

a. Referential integrity constraint 

b. Entity key group rule 

c. Both 

d. None

46. Different attributes in two different tables having same name as referred to as:

a. Synonym 

b. Homonym 

c. Acronym 

d. Mutually Exclusive

47. In functional dependency, the attribute on the left side is called:

a. Candidate key 

b. Determinant 

c. Foreign key 

d. Primary key

48. The main purpose of normalization is to:

a. Increase relations 

b. Remove anomalies 

c. Increase Redundancy 

d. None

49. A functional dependency between two or more non-key attributes is called:

a. Partial dependency 

b. Partial non-key dependency

c. Transitive dependency 

d. None

50. Restrictions and checks on a relation are called:

a. Deletion anomaliesa 

b. Insertion anomalies

c. Modification anomalies 

d. Referential integrity constraints


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